October Main Event: 2023 The Importance of Estate Planning in Times of Uncertainty
Join our event to hear James Ward talk "The Importance of Estate Planning in Time of Uncertainty." James Ward will discuss why you need an estate plan. He will go in depth on what the elements of a good estate plan are, as well as what Medi-Cal planning is and how it applies to you during this unprecedented time. He will also explain what sets an elder law estate plan apart.
https://www.wardesq.com/elder-focus-magazine/ is a link to his magazine, scroll down and you can scroll through it, page by page and be both entertained and educated. This will help you ask him the most important questions about Estate Planning.
Speaker Bio & Session Info
James Ward counsels a wide range of clients across the estate-planning spectrum and does specialized work with elders for Medi-Cal planning and asset protection for their families. In addition to his law degree, Ward holds a postgraduate law degree as a specialization degree in estate planning from the nationally recognized program at the University of Miami.
- Tax optimization
- Investment considerations based on goals rather then just market direction
- Connecting your investments and strategy to the rest of your life.
- If you would like to invite people, please point them to our Eventbrite Registration system.
- https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIod-mqrj4rG9dwOyKQH06JeLGSDuALUX
About This Meeting
AAII Silicon Valley Chapter hosts several main meetings and meetups by webcast throughout the year. These meetings are funded by members and attendees who are willing to donate $5 or $10 to attend our main events. Please consider doing that when you register to attend on our Eventbrite Registration System.
We also welcome those who attend our Webinars and Meetups for free. Be sure to register on Eventbrite here to receive email notices with the Zoom meeting link, as well as the link to the recording after the event.
Currently all our meetings are hosted on Zoom and you can get notices on all our events by checking out our website here, or by following us on Eventbrite and Meetup.