AAII Silicon Valley Main Events
AAII SV Monthly Main Events
Register on Eventbrite!
- You must register on EventBrite!
- Register on our EventBrite system to receive the meeting link.
- Tickets are free, but we welcome donations ($5 or $10 helps cover our overhead).
- We are a volunteer group. Join us!
Join AAII SV on Meetup!
Please join our AAII Silicon Valley Meetup group!
- To be notified of all upcoming AAII SV events!
- Receive monthly invitations to events, and easily add them to your calendar.
Main Events are on Zoom!
Due to Covid-19, events are now held on Zoom, not in person. To attend online:
- Web (Zoom) meeting instructions will be emailed to all registered participants.
- If you are new to Zoom, click here.
Upcoming 2025 Main Events
Previous Main Events
June 2024: Case Study
May 2024: Estate Planning
April 10, 2024: Social Security and Medicare
March 13, 2024: Risk Management/Insurance
February 14, 2024: Retirement Planning - Part 2
January 10, 2024: Retirement Planning - Part 1
December 13, 2023: Taxes
November 8, 2023: Investing - Part 2
October 11, 2023: The Importance of Estate Planning in Times of Uncertainty
September 2023: Understanding Market History - What I Have Learned from the Past
May 2023: Why contrarian analysis works, and what it’s now saying in the stock, gold and bond arenas
March 11, 2023:
Topic 1: The Yield Drought Is Over
Topic 2: To Improve Investment Performance, Ditch Your Emotions, Instincts, and Overconfidence
January 14, 2023:
Topic 1: The Economy and how to Manage Wealth in 2023
Topic 2: 2023 Real Estate Market Update
Main Events Archive 2006-2022
See our Archive page for an index of previous Main Events (2006 - 2022)
With financial topics, speakers, and downloadable presentations where available.
Or check out our YouTube Channel for past recordings.