2006 AAII Silicon Valley Main Events
All the Past Main Event Topics and Speakers
With presentations you can download, where available....
2006 Presentations
November 29, 2006 - Final Review and Homework Evaluation (A Hands-On Class) The final homework assignment, given on November 15, will be to use the methods and spreadsheets discussed in the previous three sessions to build a portfolio in which you would be willing to invest, given your personal objectives - or to come as close as you can. The final session will be a chance to discuss your results and ask any questions that may have come up during your portfolio building efforts. All three instructors will be present to answer questions and point out any problems they see in the methods used. At the end of this session you will have been guided through one complete example of the methods taught. While there is no guarantee that any method will produce good results in investing or that it is suitable for any given situation, we hope that at the end of these classes you will be in a position to decide if the techniques presented are applicable to your personality and investment needs.
November 15, 2006 - Spreadsheet Analysis for Portfolio Optimization Based on Historical Data (A Hands-On Class) Once you have a list of good securities to put in your portfolio, you have to figure out how much of each to buy. Bob will demonstrate advanced Excel spreadsheet techniques that can use past performance to estimate appropriate proportions of each security to produce optimal performance as defined several ways. Methods demonstrated will include manual calculation, spreadsheet functions, and Visual Basic macros. Free spreadsheets with source code will be distributed to class participants. Securities used in the demonstrations will include stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, and cash.Bob Smithson Presentation
November 11, 2006: What’s New in Taxes and Tax Planning for the Investor? Speaker Roger Simons
November 8, 2006 - Building, Optimizing and Maintaining a Portfolio (A Hands-On Class) Stock analysis takes time - a lot of time. Al will show how he combines data from Stock Investor Pro and other sources to create and manage portfolios efficiently and quickly. Copies of his presentation and spreadsheets are available via the links below for the use of class members. If anyone has any questions (before or after class) Al will be happy to answer via his public email address: al_zmyslowski@yahoo.com. Be forewarned that he responds to this account mostly on weekends. Al recommends that those people who have laptops bring them to the presentation so they can quiz me (and others!!) on the presentation, spreadsheets, etc Al Zmyslowski Presentation November 1, 2006 - AAII Stock Investor Pr (A Hands-On Class) Andy will show how to use, modify and create screens to produce a short list of portfolio candidates from a list of 8,600 securities based on fundamental criteria, and how to export the list and data for use in advanced spreadsheet analysis. This sort of screening is the first step in answering the question "How do I go from thousands of possibilities to a specific portfolio?" Free single-month copies of Stock Investor Pro will be distributed. Andy Prophet Presentation
October 24, 2006: Introductory Session for Weekly Classes: Computerized Portfolio Building and Optimization Instructors: Al Zmyslowski, Andy Prophet, Bob Smithson, Lynn Gillette, Don Stewart, and Fred Smith This is the free kick-off meeting for two series of classes designed to answer requests from those who attended the computerized investing seminar in May. • Nov. 1 - AAII Stock Investor Pro, Andy Prophet. Andy will show to use, modify and create screens to produce a short list of portfolio candidates from a list of 8,600 securities based on fundamental criteria, and how to export the list and data for use in advanced spreadsheet analysis. This sort of screening is the first step in answering the question "How do I go from thousands of possibilities to a specific portfolio?" Free single-month copies of Stock Investor Pro will be distributed. • Nov. 8 - Using Simple Spreadsheets To Manage A Portfolio With Data From Multiple Sources, Al Zmyslowski. Stock analysis takes time - a lot of time. Al will show how he combines data from Stock Investor Pro and other sources to create and manage portfolios efficiently and quickly. Copies of his spreadsheets will be made available for the use of class members. • Nov. 15 - Spreadsheet Analysis for Portfolio Optimization Based on Historical Data, Bob Smithson. Once you have a list of good securities to put in your portfolio, you have to figure out how much of each to buy. Bob will demonstrate advanced Excel spreadsheet techniques that can use past performance to estimate appropriate proportions of each security to produce optimal performance as defined several ways. Methods demonstrated will include manual calculation, spreadsheet functions, and Visual Basic macros. Free spreadsheets with source code will be distributed to class participants. Securities used in the demonstrations will include stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, and cash. • Nov. 29 - Final Homework Review and Questions, All Instructors. The final homework assignment, given on November 15, will be to use the methods and spreadsheets discussed in the previous three sessions to build a portfolio in which you would be willing to invest, given your personal objectives - or to come as close as you can. The final session will be a chance to discuss your results and ask any questions that may have come up during your portfolio building efforts. All three instructors will be present to answer questions and point out any problems they see in the methods used. At the end of this session you will have been guided through one complete example of the methods taught. While there is no guarantee that any method will produce good results in investing or that it is suitable for any given situation, we hope that at the end of these classes you will be in a position to decide if the techniques presented are applicable to your personality and investment needs. • The SECOND SERIES OF CLASSES will be held beginning in January after the holiday season. The time and place is to be determined. The topic will be "Investment Basics 101." This series of classes is for those who probably own a computer, but are new to investing. These classes will cover concepts such as asset classes, asset allocation, risk measurement, investment accounts, balance sheets, and many others. They will also provide a good refresher course for more experienced investors. After these classes you will know better what you want to do in your investing, and will be better able to see how a computer can help you. The instructors will be our chapter president, Lynn Gillette, treasurer Don Stewart, and arrangements vice president Fred Smith. Speakers Andy Prophet Bob Smithson Al Zmyslowski
September 16, 2006 Teetering on the Edge Speaker Jeanette Garretty
May 13, 2006 Computerized Investing Seminar Speakers Dr. Bob Smithson, John M. Bajkowski, Al Zmyslowski, Dr. Richard L. Peterson
April 20, 2006 Investing for Income Requires New Skills - and Here's Why Speaker Donald Cassidy
February 21, 2006 Computerized Investing - When to Sell Speakers Don Stewart and Bob Smithson
January 17, 2006 Computerized Investing - A Microcap Stock Portfolio Speaker Al Zmyslowski
November 15, 2006 - Spreadsheet Analysis for Portfolio Optimization Based on Historical Data (A Hands-On Class) Once you have a list of good securities to put in your portfolio, you have to figure out how much of each to buy. Bob will demonstrate advanced Excel spreadsheet techniques that can use past performance to estimate appropriate proportions of each security to produce optimal performance as defined several ways. Methods demonstrated will include manual calculation, spreadsheet functions, and Visual Basic macros. Free spreadsheets with source code will be distributed to class participants. Securities used in the demonstrations will include stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, and cash.Bob Smithson Presentation
November 11, 2006: What’s New in Taxes and Tax Planning for the Investor? Speaker Roger Simons
November 8, 2006 - Building, Optimizing and Maintaining a Portfolio (A Hands-On Class) Stock analysis takes time - a lot of time. Al will show how he combines data from Stock Investor Pro and other sources to create and manage portfolios efficiently and quickly. Copies of his presentation and spreadsheets are available via the links below for the use of class members. If anyone has any questions (before or after class) Al will be happy to answer via his public email address: al_zmyslowski@yahoo.com. Be forewarned that he responds to this account mostly on weekends. Al recommends that those people who have laptops bring them to the presentation so they can quiz me (and others!!) on the presentation, spreadsheets, etc Al Zmyslowski Presentation November 1, 2006 - AAII Stock Investor Pr (A Hands-On Class) Andy will show how to use, modify and create screens to produce a short list of portfolio candidates from a list of 8,600 securities based on fundamental criteria, and how to export the list and data for use in advanced spreadsheet analysis. This sort of screening is the first step in answering the question "How do I go from thousands of possibilities to a specific portfolio?" Free single-month copies of Stock Investor Pro will be distributed. Andy Prophet Presentation
October 24, 2006: Introductory Session for Weekly Classes: Computerized Portfolio Building and Optimization Instructors: Al Zmyslowski, Andy Prophet, Bob Smithson, Lynn Gillette, Don Stewart, and Fred Smith This is the free kick-off meeting for two series of classes designed to answer requests from those who attended the computerized investing seminar in May. • Nov. 1 - AAII Stock Investor Pro, Andy Prophet. Andy will show to use, modify and create screens to produce a short list of portfolio candidates from a list of 8,600 securities based on fundamental criteria, and how to export the list and data for use in advanced spreadsheet analysis. This sort of screening is the first step in answering the question "How do I go from thousands of possibilities to a specific portfolio?" Free single-month copies of Stock Investor Pro will be distributed. • Nov. 8 - Using Simple Spreadsheets To Manage A Portfolio With Data From Multiple Sources, Al Zmyslowski. Stock analysis takes time - a lot of time. Al will show how he combines data from Stock Investor Pro and other sources to create and manage portfolios efficiently and quickly. Copies of his spreadsheets will be made available for the use of class members. • Nov. 15 - Spreadsheet Analysis for Portfolio Optimization Based on Historical Data, Bob Smithson. Once you have a list of good securities to put in your portfolio, you have to figure out how much of each to buy. Bob will demonstrate advanced Excel spreadsheet techniques that can use past performance to estimate appropriate proportions of each security to produce optimal performance as defined several ways. Methods demonstrated will include manual calculation, spreadsheet functions, and Visual Basic macros. Free spreadsheets with source code will be distributed to class participants. Securities used in the demonstrations will include stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, and cash. • Nov. 29 - Final Homework Review and Questions, All Instructors. The final homework assignment, given on November 15, will be to use the methods and spreadsheets discussed in the previous three sessions to build a portfolio in which you would be willing to invest, given your personal objectives - or to come as close as you can. The final session will be a chance to discuss your results and ask any questions that may have come up during your portfolio building efforts. All three instructors will be present to answer questions and point out any problems they see in the methods used. At the end of this session you will have been guided through one complete example of the methods taught. While there is no guarantee that any method will produce good results in investing or that it is suitable for any given situation, we hope that at the end of these classes you will be in a position to decide if the techniques presented are applicable to your personality and investment needs. • The SECOND SERIES OF CLASSES will be held beginning in January after the holiday season. The time and place is to be determined. The topic will be "Investment Basics 101." This series of classes is for those who probably own a computer, but are new to investing. These classes will cover concepts such as asset classes, asset allocation, risk measurement, investment accounts, balance sheets, and many others. They will also provide a good refresher course for more experienced investors. After these classes you will know better what you want to do in your investing, and will be better able to see how a computer can help you. The instructors will be our chapter president, Lynn Gillette, treasurer Don Stewart, and arrangements vice president Fred Smith. Speakers Andy Prophet Bob Smithson Al Zmyslowski
September 16, 2006 Teetering on the Edge Speaker Jeanette Garretty
May 13, 2006 Computerized Investing Seminar Speakers Dr. Bob Smithson, John M. Bajkowski, Al Zmyslowski, Dr. Richard L. Peterson
April 20, 2006 Investing for Income Requires New Skills - and Here's Why Speaker Donald Cassidy
February 21, 2006 Computerized Investing - When to Sell Speakers Don Stewart and Bob Smithson
January 17, 2006 Computerized Investing - A Microcap Stock Portfolio Speaker Al Zmyslowski